SNAP Etobicoke, a free community-based publication, recently published a
piece highlighting September's
Solar & Conservation Fair on the Lakeshore. SNAP wrote:
Source: SNAP Etobicoke; Photographer Jerry Lem |
Visitors came armed with tons of questions and left with a wealth of information. Experts like Ken Traynor and John Scheffer discussed residential issues while Travis Allan, Scott McLorie, Robert Wakulat, Osman Sediqi and Roberto Garcia discussed commercial applications. Participants enjoyed the various seminars designed to educate, promote, and encourage solar use and conservation. Afterward the smell of sausages cooking on the solar cooker welcomed them outside where commercial vendors were set up to discuss how to install solar solutions in their homes.
I established Wakulat | Law with the express purpose of working with community groups, local businesses and individuals after recognizing the lack of willpower at the international level to address important issues such as climate change. Attending the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Copenhagen last year made me realize how important it is to work towards more sustainable living at local and regional levels. Moreover, local initiatives are likely to have greater community buy-in and achieve longer term success than top-down edicts from federal or international bodies.
Recently, famous climate change journalist George Monbiot, writing in the UK's
Guardian newspaper and his own blog declared the global climate change process to be
dead. He has called for a conversation to start on how we can work towards a low-carbon future in a post-Kyoto world. I believe it starts at home at the dinner table and moves out into our communities from there.
Sunny days,
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