Following on the heels of last year's first go-round with the Solar & Conservation Fair on the Lakeshore, Wakulat|Law has become involved in organizing a second iteration of the event. On Saturday September 10, 2011, the 2nd Annual Solar and Conservation Fair will be hosted by the local Lakeshore Business Improvement Areas. It will take place at the Assembly Hall in South Etobicoke from 11 am to 4 pm. This one-day community event will feature exhibitors, vendors and speakers on topics related to renewable energy, conservation and environmental sustainability. The event is open to residents and businesses. Admission is free.
The Fair is an opportunity for people who not only care about reducing their environmental footprint, but also want to learn how to benefit financially from taking on green initiatives. Last year, the emphasis of the Fair was on solar education. This year it is expanding in scope to meet the broader interests and needs of the community. Attendees can go to seminars on topics such as residential rooftop solar technology and community power, speak to exhibitors who are providing sustainable food options and solar technology, find out about green career opportunities, sample locally-sourced refreshments and learn how to build a community power project.
Not all communities have easy access to the knowledge and tools required to participate in this emerging sustainable economy. Small business owners and residents are busy and don’t necessarily have the time to research how they can participate in the province’s emerging green economy. This type of event is designed to bring them that information and make it more accessible to businesses, residents and community groups.
The Fair itself is an example of community spirit, created and planned with the participation of local business associations, dedicated volunteers from the LAMP Community Health Centre and non-profit community groups who share a passion for a cleaner, healthier and prosperous future. It offers members of the community the opportunity not only to learn about alternative energy from industry leaders, but also from each other. The Fair will also help the local economy by featuring several local business, giving residents the opportunity to directly support their neighbourhood business owners.
This project has received funding support from the Ontario Power Authority through the Community Energy Partnerships Program. Such support does not indicate endorsement by the OPA or the Province of Ontario of the contents of this material. The views expressed in the material are the views of the Recipient and do not necessarily reflect those of the OPA or the Province of Ontario.
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